Maple House School offers support to parents of our children and the wider SEND community.
Please see our links below for support and links to local offer, advice and support.
Local Offer
The SEND Local Offer was created to help improve the lives of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), as well as their families and those who care for them. The education sector plays an important role in the Offer, as it affects all children and young people from birth to 25 years old.
The Local Offer is an information directory provided by each local authority where individuals with SEND aged 0-25, as well as their parents or carers, can go to find out what support or provision they can expect to be available in their local area.
The local offer covers a range of local agencies, including education, health, and social care services – such as childcare, independent schools or colleges, care placements, apprenticeships, transport arrangements between home and education settings, specialist teachers, therapy services, and other specialist support.
The Local Offer details support for both those with Education, Health, and Care (EHC) plans and those without. It must include arrangements for:
Identifying and assessing individuals’ SEND, including in the early years.
Requesting an EHC assessment.
Consulting parents.
Securing services, provision, and equipment required.
Funding and allocation of budgets, including top-up high-needs funding.
Supporting transitions between phases of education, plus preparations for adulthood and independent living.
Appealing decisions, making complaints, and resolving disagreements with regards to provision.​
Under the Children and Families Act 2014, each Local Authority has a legal responsibility to publish their particular Local Offer. It needs to be published online, as well as in an alternative format for those without internet access.

S.E.N.D Socials Birmingham
S.E.N.D Socials Birmingham provides social opportunities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. We also provide support to parents and carers through coffee mornings, workshops, signposting and our online forum.
Maple House School is working in partnership with S.E.N.D Socials to support them with a beautiful space to offer the SEND community access during half-term breaks and the Summer holidays.